

  1. 支持四则运算,必须包含除法及求余
  2. 支持字符串输入输出
  3. 代码不长

small biginteger library for contest

代码原作者Jane Alam Jan,你可以在Google上直接搜索small_biginteger_library_for_contest.pdf并下载到原始说明文档及代码,这里提供一份代码,改动不多,增加了int的构造函数和其它不等号的重载,乘法效率有优化,且增加输出到string而不直接输出终端,以便在其它场合使用更方便。

struct Bigint {
    // representations and structures
    std::string a; // to store the digits
    int sign;      // sign = -1 for negative numbers, sign = 1 otherwise
    // constructors
    Bigint() {}                            // default constructor
    Bigint(std::string b) { (*this) = b; } // constructor for string
    Bigint(int v) {
        char buf[30];
        sprintf(buf, "%d", v);
        (*this) = buf;
    // some helpful methods
    int size() { return a.size(); } // returns number of digits
    Bigint inverseSign() {
        sign *= -1;
        return (*this);
    Bigint normalize(int newSign) { // removes leading 0, fixes sign
        for (int i = a.size() - 1; i > 0 && a[i] == '0'; i--)
            a.erase(a.begin() + i);
        sign = (a.size() == 1 && a[0] == '0') ? 1 : newSign;
        return (*this);
    // assignment operator
    void operator=(std::string b) { // assigns a string to Bigint
        a = b[0] == '-' ? b.substr(1) : b;
        reverse(a.begin(), a.end());
        this->normalize(b[0] == '-' ? -1 : 1);
    // conditional operators
    bool operator<(const Bigint &b) const { // less than operator
        if (sign != b.sign) return sign < b.sign;
        if (a.size() != b.a.size()) return sign == 1 ? a.size() < b.a.size() : a.size() > b.a.size();
        for (int i = a.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if (a[i] != b.a[i]) return sign == 1 ? a[i] < b.a[i] : a[i] > b.a[i];
        return false;
    bool operator==(const Bigint &b) const { return a == b.a && sign == b.sign; }
    // mathematical operators
    Bigint operator+(Bigint b) { // addition operator overloading
        if (sign != b.sign) return (*this) - b.inverseSign();
        Bigint c;
        for (int i = 0, carry = 0; i < a.size() || i < b.size() || carry; i++) {
            carry += (i < a.size() ? a[i] - 48 : 0) + (i < b.a.size() ? b.a[i] - 48 : 0);
            c.a += (carry % 10 + 48);
            carry /= 10;
        return c.normalize(sign);
    Bigint operator-(Bigint b) { // subtraction operator overloading
        if (sign != b.sign) return (*this) + b.inverseSign();
        int s = sign;
        sign = b.sign = 1;
        if ((*this) < b) return ((b - (*this)).inverseSign()).normalize(-s);
        Bigint c;
        for (int i = 0, borrow = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
            borrow = a[i] - borrow - (i < b.size() ? b.a[i] : 48);
            c.a += borrow >= 0 ? borrow + 48 : borrow + 58;
            borrow = borrow >= 0 ? 0 : 1;
        return c.normalize(s);
    Bigint operator*(Bigint b) { // multiplication operator overloading
        if (b < *this) return b * *this;
        Bigint c("0");
        for (int i = 0, k = a[i] - 48; i < a.size(); i++, k = a[i] - 48) {
            while (k--)
                c = c + b;                // ith digit is k, so, we add k times
            b.a.insert(b.a.begin(), '0'); // multiplied by 10
        return c.normalize(sign * b.sign);
    Bigint operator/(Bigint b) { // division operator overloading
        if (b.size() == 1 && b.a[0] == '0') b.a[0] /= (b.a[0] - 48);
        Bigint c("0"), d;
        for (int j = 0; j < a.size(); j++)
            d.a += "0";
        int dSign = sign * b.sign;
        b.sign = 1;
        for (int i = a.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            c.a.insert(c.a.begin(), '0');
            c = c + a.substr(i, 1);
            while (!(c < b))
                c = c - b, d.a[i]++;
        return d.normalize(dSign);
    Bigint operator%(Bigint b) { // modulo operator overloading
        if (b.size() == 1 && b.a[0] == '0') b.a[0] /= (b.a[0] - 48);
        Bigint c("0");
        b.sign = 1;
        for (int i = a.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            c.a.insert(c.a.begin(), '0');
            c = c + a.substr(i, 1);
            while (!(c < b))
                c = c - b;
        return c.normalize(sign);
    std::string to_str() const {
        std::string s;
        if (sign == -1) s += '-';
        for (int i = a.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            s += a[i];
        return s;
    bool operator>(const Bigint &b) const { return b < *this; }
    bool operator<=(const Bigint &b) const { return !(b < *this); }
    bool operator>=(const Bigint &b) const { return !(*this < b); }
    bool operator!=(const Bigint &b) const { return !(*this == b); }




#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <string>

#define BINT_MAXSIZE (1<<15)
typedef typename std::bitset<BINT_MAXSIZE> Bint;
bool operator<(const Bint &a, const Bint &b) {
    for (int i = a.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
        if (a[i] != b[i]) return a[i] < b[i];
    return false;
bool operator>(const Bint &a, const Bint &b) { return b < a; }
bool operator<=(const Bint &a, const Bint &b) { return !(b < a); }
bool operator>=(const Bint &a, const Bint &b) { return !(a < b); }
Bint operator+(Bint a, Bint b) {
    while (b.any()) {
        Bint c = (a & b) << 1;
        a ^= b, b = c;
    return a;
Bint operator-(const Bint &a) { return Bint(1) + ~a; }
Bint operator-(Bint a, Bint b) {
    while (b.any()) {
        Bint c = (~a & b) << 1;
        a ^= b, b = c;
    return a;
Bint operator*(Bint a, Bint b) {
    if (a < b) return b * a;
    Bint r(0);
    for (; b.any(); b >>= 1, a <<= 1) if (b[0]) r = r + a;
    return r;
std::pair<Bint, Bint> divide(Bint a, const Bint &b) {
    Bint c = 0;
    int i = 0;
    while (b << (i + 1) <= a) ++i;
    for (; i >= 0; --i)
        if (a >= (b << i)) a = a - (b << i), c.set(i, 1);
    return std::make_pair(c, a);
Bint operator/(const Bint &a, const Bint &b) { return divide(a, b).first; }
Bint operator%(const Bint &a, const Bint &b) { return divide(a, b).second; }
Bint BintFromStr(const char *p) {
    Bint x = 0;
    int sign = 1;
    for (; *p == '-'; ++p) sign = -sign;
    for (; *p >= '0' && *p <= '9'; ++p) x = (x << 3) + (x << 1) + (*p - '0');
    return sign > 0 ? x : -x;
Bint BintFromInt(int i) {
    char buf[20];
    sprintf(buf, "%d", i);
    return BintFromStr(buf);
std::string BintToStr(Bint x) {
    std::string out = x == 0 ? "0" : "";
    std::vector<Bint> v;
    if (x[x.size() - 1]) out += '-', x = -x;
    for (Bint y = 1; y <= x; y = (y << 3) + (y << 1)) v.push_back(y);
    for (int i = v.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        int t = 0;
        for (int l = 3; l >= 0; --l)
            if (x >= (v[i] << l)) x = x - (v[i] << l), t += 1 << l;
        out += t + '0';
    return out;




  1. Baobaobear/MiniBigInteger
  2. kedixa/klibcpp
  3. ron4fun/BigIntegerCPP
  4. square1001/bigint-library

还有一个只能在x64平台且只能用支持AT&T内联汇编编译器(如GCC/clang)的实现 calebsander/bigint,它的加减法和小规模乘法速度确实飞快,比前面列举到的都快,但受编译环境限制较大。






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